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    Winter Sun Dog


    Today is the shortest day of the year.  The collective vibe is giving its share of cheer... and stress!

    Though we’re lacking in external sunlight, our dogs will  shower us with their warmth.  This detoxes us emotionally.  If we want to reap even more from our relationship with our dogs it’s important to practice paying attention to our physical posture.  

    In our wednesday night dog whispering classes we learn how to give back to our dogs just by paying attention to our posture.  (Enrolment for January 2018 is open, email info@ or call us, number above).

    Many times we accidentally project an assertive posture... this triggers a fear state in our dogs.

    The optimal posture continuously broadcasts a non-conflict seeking vibration.  This keeps our dogs out of a fear state and let’s it deepen its natural meditative state.  This is good because it enhances the winter ‘dog sun’ effect, enabling our dogs to shower us with more calm warmth.

    My wish this holiday season is that you tap into your dog’s deep present moment ‘presence’.  Use it to elevate your own presence.  

    Begin to contemplate what your spine look like when you’re just ‘being’ with your dog.  

    May you unlock these secrets of nature for yourself.



    Skunk Whispering

    This week I am boarding a 75 lbs dog that I’ve trained since he was just a pup.  He’s older now and maturing like a fine wine, but he’s also very powerful and has a few sensitive triggers outside.  The kind of behaviour that could really frighten another being...

    My routine this summer has been waking up with the sun, going into the backyard and meditating.  When I’m finished I walk Maydel and any other dog that I’m boarding / training.  

    Yesterday morning a skunk wanted to join our pack.  Yes... a skunk that came within a few feet of me and my unleashed dogs.  Maybe he felt the love and wanted some... I don’t know.  I didn’t ask.  

    When a skunk sprays he does it out of fear and I wasn’t comfortable with the risk profile I was finding myself in.

    Instinctively both dogs were commanded down and leashed.... I positioned myself ahead of the dogs and kept my eyes down but maintained awareness of the skunk while maintaining a vulnerable stance... I was going for a set of gestures that communicate control, compassion and friendliness.  In other words, our pack gave the skunk ‘space to breathe’.  Space for him to view us and make a decision.  

    He lingered a good long time while giving me the curious eye.   I suspected he wanted to stay.

    I wanted him to leave so I changed my posture... Tall spine, direct eye contact, calm-assertive tone... I said, “skunk be gone” and pointed where I wanted him to go.  

    Yes... it totally worked.  It worked so well that he joined us again the next morning too!

    This motivated me to offer private lessons in dog whispering.  It's time to share the wisdom.

    If this interests you, contact me via email.



    My silent retreat with Maydel

    Last week I took Maydel on a silent, solo retreat just outside Algonquin Park.  I needed to reboot my system and deplaque my heart center.  (We all need to do this... btw).  

    Our cabin had no water, no electricity... just a fire stove.  It was also so deep in the forest that I really wished Maydel could have pulled the sled carrying all our food, clothes, and water for the week.  She was happy to follow behind me while I trail blazed through 4 feet of powder.

    My agenda was really simple... just unplug.  Don’t hurry.  Eat simple. Meditate. Read. Enjoy nature.  Slow down.  Reconnect.  See what comes up.

    Maydel’s purpose was to guard the cabin, sniff deer poo ad nauseum, and try to sneak into my bed.  She was so happy being in nature, with her master, relating to one another the way nature intended.

    Maydel and I became so connected... it was so beautiful.  For several days straight I said nothing to her.  I just sensed her love for me... she just sensed me my love for her.  Her behaviour has picked up a notch since we came home... she’s so responsive to me.  I’m kind of amazed.... But not really, our dogs want our focussed attention.  They want to learn.  They want us to actually connect with them.

    When we allow ourselves time away... away from work, away from family... away from everything, something miraculous happens.   Metaphysical dust begins to settle.  We begin to see more clearly.  

    Even though nothing tangible happens... when we get home everyone around us notices something extra.

    Our attention becomes recharged.  Our level of present moment awareness is potent.  We begin undoing karmic knots.  We relate to humans with more compassion.   We can actually be calm and assertive to our dogs... and they LOVE it.