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    He's a Dog Shaman?


    I just did a little googling... you know, to confirm a hunch I've been having.  But I couldn't find anything on 'dog shaman'.

    However... I'm pretty sure that I have all 10 boxes checked on the 'are you a shaman' magazine test.  A small exception is that instead of talking to ghosts... I talk to dogs.

    The dog is 'my vehicle' and I use it to participate in the global awakening currently happening on our planet.    
    I wasn't born a dog Jedi... but  10 years ago I trusted I should just do what I love and have faith that the universe will take care of me.

    My love has led me on a path unleashing my unique dog training tricks.  One of them is that I use emotions (ours and our dogs) as a tool to control their behaviour and train them.  Unconscious emotions reinforce bad behaviour... Certain conscious emotions create a very clear way to say ‘No’.  

    Long story short... Applying my jedi insights with a little wisdom and some conventional training tricks is a million times more effective than regular training.  It actually creates change.

    So here I am... offering you something new... Think of it like an in home consultation.  I come over for one hour and I'll tell you what your dog tells me. You tell me how you wish your dog would behave...and the process of change begins.

    Is this crazy?


    Copyright © 2018 Woof & Shloof Inc, All rights reserved. 

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    Majestic Nature of Dog

    Cultivating Majesty....

    We are all born with the purpose of evolving into a King or a Queen... it's our genetic nature.  Trust me.  

    Instead of accumulating material wealth and ruling by force to build our kingdoms, our duty is to accumulate wisdom and compassion and rule with love. 

    Rule what?  The magic is that you decide what your kingdom is...The office... the kitchen... the dog park... the earth.  Imagination is the 5th dimension.  Use it powerfully.  Use it creatively.

    Few of us are born into an environment where humans teach us how to embody 'The Way like this.  We all need a teacher...I personally am still learning and will continue to forever.  How lucky am I that I get to study your majestic dogs all day, every day.

    My desire is that you study this picture above.  Notice how open this dog's sense gates are.  Notice how comfortable he is in that posture.  Notice how he's able to feel the earth, the wind, the smells, the sounds of the environment... This is called learning how to be still with what is present.  

    Easy to say... hard to do.

    May we find the internal strength to stay present through all the negativity that exists in our world today.  May our wisdom and compassion allow us to act skillfully in all moments of time.  May our voices be soft, our actions strong and both motivated by deep love.

    In doing this, 'we' will bleed out all of our ancient and twisted karma. Our species will find that peaceful place to rest, and call home... no matter where we are.  We will find ourselves as peaceful and connected as that majestic dog above.



    Alive in Two Worlds


    It hurts!

    We all suffer... When I'm experiencing any emotion below the vibration of love, my nervous system cries.  I get easily distracted, forget my surroundings, and start letting my imagination fuel the suffering even more with crappy stories that make me worry about bullshit that hasn't happened.

    This is called being awake on the inside world, but sleeping in the outside world.  Our dogs are awake to their internal state, yet deeply engaged in the information presenting itself right NOW.

    Let's agree that most of the time we have no idea what's going on in our dog's head.  And frankly... they feel the same about us.  That's why we have a hard time finding harmony with them on a walk... when guests come over... when we're in the kitchen...when we're on the phone or watching TV.  

    We've allowed ourselves to become 'trained' by modern life...we've forgotten how to stay connected to our 5 senses at all times.  Our technology and accumulated capital allow our imaginations to run free, yet I'm wondering the consequence of this.  

    Our dogs only pay attention with their 6 senses.  My two favorite superpowers that dogs have are their vast reservoirs of unconditional love... and their ability to sense our feelings.

    My desire is that you cultivate a mindfulness practice unique to you... tap into a state of comfortable stillness and start training your nervous system to 'catch' information coming in from all 5 sense gates.  Attempt many small doses of this throughout the day.  Do it when you're walking your dog, in the kitchen, watching tv... when you're sensing you're out of harmony.

    May something magical and evolutionary happen in your nervous system.  May you discover your Royal abilities and gain mastery over your unique array of mental and emotional states.  May you cultivate the ability to stay present through the dark states of the internal world and act with grace in the human world.  

    May you quickly transcend the way humans have been trained to suffer.  May you find that super power that your dog has. 

    This is a difficult practice but undoubtedly results in harmony with all things... especially your dog!  May you stay courageous.   This is the key battle all humans will inevitably face.

