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    Wisdom from the Grooming Salon

    I’m a dog trainer who has owned a dog grooming salon for nearly five years.  In collaboration with my experienced grooming team, we wanted to provide a list of common truths that we observe on a daily basis.  Our intention is that something on this list will resonate with you and ultimately lead to better health and comfort for your dog... which inevitably leads to a deeper and more gratifying relationship with him.

    Dirty Ears - The inside of your dog’s ears should be pink and fresh smelling.    If your dog grows hair in his ear canals, have your groomer pluck them, but maybe not all at once if he’s sensitive.  Ears can be cleaned weekly at home with a warm wash cloth.  Wipe them out as if you were another dog licking your dog’s ears.


    Coat - The coat is the first line of defence against the elements.  The skin is an organ that needs to breathe. Short haired dogs need daily brushing in shedding season and should be sent to the groomer once a season.  Non shedding dogs need brushing 2-3 times a week for life.  Try it and you will be surprised how clean and healthy looking your dog’s coat will become.

    Pedicures - Nails should be kept short, just above the quick, so the paw pad can rest fully on the ground without pressure from the nail.  Long nails will throw off your dog’s skeletal alignment which can lead to health issues like arthritis.  Walk your dog regularly on the sidewalk or take him for monthly nail trims.

    Washing at Home - Never bathe then brush because it creates matts in the coat.  If your dog sheds or has small matting, try brushing your dog while it’s lathered up in shampoo (or conditioner).  Tangles come out really easily and shedding dogs make no mess.

    Scaredy Cats - Fear is what prevents a dog from enjoying the grooming experience.  It requires skill and technique to get most dogs to stand like statues while they are groomed.   Nearly all of this can be eliminated if you practice (and praise) touching your dog's feet  and brush them on a regular basis.  If your dog is really reactive, try doing this work from behind as though your dog was wearing horse blinders and can’t see you.


    Boxing Day Daycare Sale

    Woof & Shloof Holiday Special

    The sale of the year is on!  Make your own daycare package @ $26.95 a day. (Regular $39 a day)

    Offer expires Dec 31, 2014.

    This is an 
    online special and is also available in the store, or by phone.  Have your credit card handy!  



    This is a great way to build up a bank of daycare days on file... like all of our daycare packages, there is no expiry date.  Now you can customize your own package and take advantage of this great 

    ... we don't care if you buy 1 day, 15 days or 60 days.   Unlimited quantity available per customer.... we must be crazy because two customers bought 60 days last time! Oy vay.

    To buy, simply click on the big green and red text saying '
    buy now' and follow the instructions on that page.  

    Please email us if you experience any technical difficulties.

    All orders are immediately processed and corresponding daycare credits will be automatically added to your dog's account.  You'll receive an email invoice confirming the amount immediately following your purchase.

    Vacationing Without your Dog

    A little wisdom relating to the topic of going on vacation without your dog.

    1. Dogs don’t forget their owners. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.  

    2. Don’t let your dog see his pack walk away from him.  Say goodbye in the car and with confidence before you actually drop your dog off.  Let the people at the boarding service ‘dog nap’ your dog and take him from you so he enters a new pack.  

    3. Expect the rhythm of the digestion and exercise to be different while you are away.  A new environment will throw off your dog’s internal clock. If the duration is shorter than 48 hours this might mean that he comes home with a little diarrhea, which will typically clear within a day of getting back to his schedule.

    4. If you crated your dog as a puppy, you gave them a gift that will give them peace while you are away...even if they haven’t been in a crate for 10 years. Without it, a new house is very big, the boundaries aren’t set and the lack of perceived structure could create anxiety.

    5. Leave your dog with a stinky t-shirt of yours and suggest he spend the first 20 minutes in his new ‘home’ immediately upon arriving.

    6. Friends and family are often inexperienced dog sitters. They will ‘love your puppy’ but don't expect them provide the structure necessary for a successful stay. Explore boarding arrangements as early as you can and look for a place that makes sense for YOUR dog.  Younger more energetic and social dogs will benefit from a pack... with an off leash run, or dog walking services included.  Older, less social dogs would  benefit from a quieter environment.  Use a quality boarding service so you don’t have to worry while you are away.

    7. Don’t let your dog see you pack your bags or see your packed bags.  This could become a future trigger for separation anxiety.  

    8. Leave toys, beds and material objects at home.  Dog’s don’t own objects outside of the present moment.  Toys and beds from home might become objects he has to defend if they look appealing to other dogs, and that sets him up for potential conflict.


    Going away on vacation is supposed to charge your battery and inject you with joy and vitality.  But it’s very common to have a heavy heart and worry filled mind when leaving your furry friend.  If this sounds like you, then you know the worry will act as a slow leak on your overall happiness while you are away... and that defeats the purpose of a vacation!


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