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    « Interrupt meal time! | Main | Is your dog in your face for grub? »

    Put your hand in his food!!!

    Yesterday we posted the first article in a series of 5... Is your dog in your face around food?

    Now that your dog is waiting patiently for treats!

    Let’s see if we can make mealtime more relaxed.

    Next time you go to feed your dog stick your hand right into their dinner!

    This might sound weird but this is a great way to keep bad food aggression habits at bay. It's theorized that in nature, animals are naturally wired to eat when they find food. Some might protect it and scarf down as much as they can because they don’t know when their next meal is.  Do these characteristics sound like your dog?  If yes, read on....

    So, next time your puppy, or dog is eating pet him or her, touch their face, paws, and ears and literally stick your hand into their bowl! This will not only slow their meal time down, but it will let them know that their food isn't in danger and they can relax while eating it. Remember, start slow. Don’t just start right off the bat with your whole hand, start with the touching and petting and slowly move up to putting your hand in the bowl.

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    Reader Comments (1)

    Thanks for some nice suggestions.I get some new one and try to follow for my pet dogs.:)

    October 11, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJrafi

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