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    Farewell with Love

    I’m writing this message to you with some of the sweatiest palms ever.  

    My heart is pumping love into my finger tips.  My brain is searching for the right things to say...

    I’ve learned so many lessons over the last 8 years owning and operating Woof & Shloof.  It’s been so much more than just business for me. Actually, ‘business’ was the worst part of it.  The people, the dogs, the community... to all of you... I am so Grateful. I Love you!

    You literally carried me.  

    In the last few years I’ve experienced some significant health changes (mental and physical) and I haven’t been able to give Woof & Shloof enough of my energy.  

    After much contemplation, I’ve decided it’s time for me to move on and sell the business.  

    On November 30, I will be stepping down from my role and helping a beautiful ownership group rebrand and inject tons of Love into this business.  (More info on who to follow).

    They are an experienced, knowledgeable and loving group.  They are established, and have resources to offer that I could only have dreamed of.

    The best part to me... the core faces at Woof & Shloof remain the same, and so will the daycare packages that you already have in place.

    If you’re looking to stay connected, I’m keeping this email address as my personal one.  

    Always with love,




    Found My Roots.

    “I built a business... but I was getting further away from my own personal dream!”

    Roots are fundamental to life... it’s up to us to find our own specific roots and nourish them like expert gardeners.  

    So... easy to say... never really knew what it meant.  I think I’m getting there though....

    Our genetic roots.  Our emotional roots.  Our spiritual roots. These things are buried so deeply in our DNA that we are wise to cultivate them and bring them to the forefront of our minds... allowing them to work for us!  Bringing us joy, peace and abundance.

    I totally got away from mine!  

    Here’s a little secret... 10 years ago I dreamed about being a dog walker.  To be a sheppard for the calmest, happiest, most loving dogs. To take them into nature and merge into ONEness with them.   At the time I was embarrassed about dreaming this. My inner voice would judge me...I had two business degrees... and this is how I was going to use them!

    So... I found a loop-hole in the city zoning and started a ‘pet shop’... which was really a daycare (so I could hang with dogs all day)... and all it needed was a bath tub to say ‘we did grooming’.  

    And presto... Woof & Shloof was born.

    Grooming became so successful that I did was any business man would do... follow the money!!!  Then I had a kids. Then I got sidetracked.

    NOW... the cosmos say it’s time for change!  

    The kids are old!!  The business is mature!!  The team is excellent!!

    NOW it’s time for ME.  And I’m starting a dog walking company.  We launch in 6 weeks.


    The Sun, Your Mind and Your Heart

    Your mind and your heart... 

    ...could use a little more sun.

    When our hearts are happy and our minds are clear it's effortless to embody  a calm assertive leader.  If we could draw on this throughout our entire day, we'd have a Royal life.  That's what I want for all of us.

    Is it a synchronicity that I'm spontaneously deciding to to write you again about the importance of the sun... our dogs... and our mental and spiritual strength (aka health)? 

    Last summer (almost to the day) I wrote to you saying how important it is to have a morning routine, and that I rise with the sun... and that this generates such positive vibration for me that even skunks want to join my pack.

    This summer I've tweaked my routine... I like to get up a little earlier and take my dogs and go somewhere in nature to catch the sun as it's rising.  My eyeballs drink up the earliest rays... This leaves me feeling so mellow, so humble, so loving... so powerful really.

    Throughout my day if I have to assert, I can do so with strength and love.  Guilt barely registers on the meter.  A sense of calmness radiates... all this from a few minutes of sungazing.  

    Try it once and observe how your day unfolds.